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Moby Sick
19-21 April 2010 Update: K & J and I lost touch for a bit but reunited last year. They are now married and have a lovely baby boy! As...
Weekend Tramps
16-18 April 2010 As the British founders had intended when they arrived 158 years ago, CHCH remains steeped in colonial heritage and the...
7th Dwarf (grumpy)
15 April 2010 I am super grumpy this morning. This is in part because the English boys in the rooms next to me were incredibly noisy last...
Quirky Queenstown
11-14 April 2010 R and V drop me off at the bus station in Lawrence and I get the bus to Queenstown and again, the drive is dramatic...
Eggs-iting news: Lawrence , South Island, New Zealand
8-11 April 2010 It’s a beautiful sunny day in Sydney on the day I leave. I get the distinct impression that Oz is sticking two fingers up...
Carry on Sydney
4-8 April 2010 I leave Newcastle with a sparkling hangover and Mr and Mrs G dropped me off at Cardiff station (yes, that’s what is it...
Newcassle, pet
30 March - 4 April 2010 Newcastle was founded in 1804 for convicts too hard even for Sydney to cope with. I arrive in torrential rain and...
Lord won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz
29 March 2010 Update: I am very sad to say that both Mrs and Mr B are no longer with us. RIP. Mrs B has to work so Mr B takes me on a...
Hippie Hippie Shake
28 March 2010 I leave Cairns amidst sporadic showers and I am disappointed that I didn’t get to snorkel the GBR but there might be an...
Dreamtime Painting
27 March 2010 Here's a picture of the painting I bought. Answers on a postcard, please.
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